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Precision Source/Measure Unit Mainframe, 4 slots, 1U — Keysight Technologies — PZ2100A
All Your SMU Needs Packed Within a 1U Rack Space
- Provides 5x higher channel density than conventional SMUs, offers 20 channels in 1U full-width rack space.
- Delivers 5 SMU module options and integrated pulser / digitizer for flexible scalability.
- Offers single-box solution with <50 ns synchronization accuracy on all 20 channels.
- Provides seamless operation and superior user experience through PathWave IV Curve Measurement software.
- Supplies user-friendly graphical user interface that collectively manages up to 20 channels maximum.
- Performs static DC measurements down to 10 fA and pulsed measurements up to 15 MSa/s.
- Provides 5x higher channel density than conventional SMUs, offers 20 channels in 1U full-width rack space.
- Delivers 5 SMU module options and integrated pulser / digitizer for flexible scalability.
- Offers single-box solution with <50 ns synchronization accuracy on all 20 channels.
- Provides seamless operation and superior user experience through PathWave IV Curve Measurement software.
- Supplies user-friendly graphical user interface that collectively manages up to 20 channels maximum.
- Performs static DC measurements down to 10 fA and pulsed measurements up to 15 MSa/s.