- Products
- Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Frequency and timing
- General Instruments
- Oscilloscopes/Analyzers
- Power Test Solutions
- RF/Microwave
- Software
- Company
- …
- Products
- Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Frequency and timing
- General Instruments
- Oscilloscopes/Analyzers
- Power Test Solutions
- RF/Microwave
- Software
- Company
- Products
- Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Frequency and timing
- General Instruments
- Oscilloscopes/Analyzers
- Power Test Solutions
- RF/Microwave
- Software
- Company
- …
- Products
- Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Frequency and timing
- General Instruments
- Oscilloscopes/Analyzers
- Power Test Solutions
- RF/Microwave
- Software
- Company

Distributed Modular 2-port Vector Network Analyzer — Anritsu — ME7869A
Test & Measurement Solutions in the Nordics and Estonia
With decades of experience in the industry, our experts provide manufacture-independent, tailored advice for your specific needs.
Choose from our wide portfolio consisting of hundreds of thousands of high quality products.
New From Keysight
InfiniiVision HD3 Series Oscilloscopes
4x the resolution, ½ the noise floor in a portable oscilloscope
Testhouse is now the official distributor of the Rohde & Schwarz products in Finland & Sweden
Testhouse is partnering with Rohde & Schwarz for the distribution of their complete range of Test and Measurement essentials products.
Keysight PZ2100 High-Channel Density SMU
Offers upto 20 SMU channels in one rack-unit high mainframe, with 15 MSa/s sampling rate
Pendulum CNT-104S Multi-Channel Frequency Analyzer
Outperforms competition through super high performance with 4-channel, ultra-high speed and 7 ps resolution
Anritsu Distributed Modular 2-port Vector Network Analyzer
Conducts long-distance, full vector S-parameter measurements over distances up to 100 meters
ITECH IT7900P High Performance Regenerative Grid Simulator
This and other advanced power electronics testing solutions, from DC power supplies to regenerative DC/AC loads, from nanoamps to 2 megawatts.
Modelithics highly accurate simulation models
For all types of passive and active RF & microwave components and semiconductor devices for use in all popular Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools.
Keysight N9912C Fieldfox Handheld RF Analyzer
License key fully upgradeable from 4 to 10 GHz and with over 20 software applications, easily customize your analysis to your requirements