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- Products
- Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Frequency and timing
- General Instruments
- Oscilloscopes/Analyzers
- Power Test Solutions
- RF/Microwave
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- Products
- Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Frequency and timing
- General Instruments
- Oscilloscopes/Analyzers
- Power Test Solutions
- RF/Microwave
- Software
- Company
- …
- Products
- Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Frequency and timing
- General Instruments
- Oscilloscopes/Analyzers
- Power Test Solutions
- RF/Microwave
- Software
- Company
Amplifier Research has their core competence in EMC. The Company offers radio frequency solid state and microwave amplifiers, antennas, radiated immunity test systems, analyzers, and accessories and software.
Amplifier Research Products
Laser-Powered Electric Field Probe Kit, 5 kHz – 200 MHz, 0.3 -500 V/m, CW & Pulse — Amplifier Research — FL8200/KitRF Conducted Immunity Generator with a 100 watt power amplifier with a frequency range of 9 kHz - 400 MHz. Includes a signal generator, spectrum analyzer, external directional coupler and AR emcware control software. Meets MIL-STD 461 and DO160 standards. — Amplifier Research — CI00402Field monitor, 0.4 - 1400 V/m, 12.0 mA/m-17 A/m. Accepts input from up to 4 isotropic field probes. — Amplifier Research — FM7004ALaser-Powered Electric Field Probe Kit, 20 MHz - 60 GHz, 2 - 1000 V/m, CW & Pulse — Amplifier Research — FL8060/Kit125 W CW, 1.0-6.0 GHz — Amplifier Research — 125S1G6C10 kHz - 100 MHz, 500 W input power, E Field Generator — Amplifier Research — ATE10K100MLaser-Powered Electric Field Probe Kit, 20 MHz – 9.3 GHz, 0.5 - 800 V/m, CW & Pulse — Amplifier Research — FL8009/Kit3 Channel Power Meter 10 kHz - 40 GHz, -70 dBM to +44 dBm power head dependent — Amplifier Research — PM2003350 W CW, 0.7 - 6 GHz — Amplifier Research — 350S1G6A0.8 - 6 GHz, 1500 W input power, High Gain Horn Antenna — Amplifier Research — ATH800M6G100 W CW, 40 - 50 GHz TWT amplifier — Amplifier Research — 100T40G500.7 - 6 GHz, 250 Watt, Dual Directional Coupler (41 dB) (for models 15S1G6, 30S1G6) — Amplifier Research — DC7205ADon't find what you are looking for?
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